Eligibility: To use the Blockbit Miner website and invest in cryptocurrencies, users must be at least 18 years old and must not reside in a jurisdiction where the use of cryptocurrency investment platforms is prohibited.
Risk Disclosure: Investing in cryptocurrencies is inherently risky and may result in the loss of all or part of your investment. Users should carefully consider their risk tolerance and investment goals before investing on the Blockbit Miner platform.
Investment Terms: Blockbit Miner offers various investment plans with different terms and conditions. Users should carefully review the terms of each plan before investing and understand that the terms are subject to change at any time.
Fees and Charges: Blockbit Miner charges fees for certain services, such as trading and withdrawal fees. Users should carefully review the fee schedule on the website and understand that the fees are subject to change at any time.
Referral Program: Blockbit Miner offers a referral program that rewards users for referring friends and family to the platform. Users should carefully review the terms and conditions of the referral program before participating.
Account Security: Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their Blockbit Miner account, including keeping their login credentials confidential and ensuring that their account information is up-to-date and accurate.
Compliance with Laws: Users are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations related to cryptocurrency investing and should not engage in any illegal or fraudulent activities on the Blockbit Miner platform.
Disclaimers: Blockbit Miner makes no guarantees or representations regarding the performance or profitability of any investment on the platform and is not responsible for any losses incurred by users. The website is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, without any warranties or representations of any kind.
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